0800 WECOLLECT (932 655)

Debt Collection Services

How much are you owed?

Are unpaid invoices ruining your business?

The reality is that your business can fail because clients have not honoured their commitment to pay for goods and services they have received.

When they are struggling to recover bad debts, business owners often feel helpless. They feel anxious about making the frequent and potentially uncomfortable calls that are required to bring in money owed. Irritability and sleepless nights can be the result of a situation that is not of their making.

When you contact CollectIT there is no reason to feel bad or embarrassed about having money outstanding. Clients accept goods and services knowing full well that they will be charged an agreed amount, to be paid by a specified date. The responsibility to pay lies with the debtor.

Because they are emotionally removed from the situation, the CollectIT team can approach debtors calmly and tactfully. Some debtors are unscrupulous and less than ethical - people with every excuse imaginable about why they have missed yet another payment deadline. The CollectIT team have heard most of these excuses before and are well-equipped to handle them.

We know that every situation is different and we make a plan with each client, specific to the circumstances. CollectIT have the resources at hand to apply more strenuous pressure to the debt collection process. There are legal remedies, and CollectIT has an experienced team who know exactly how to push for a great result for their clients.

The Debt Collection Process

The sooner a debt is pursued, the more likely it is that we can achieve a positive result for you. Where the debtor is not immediately able to settle the debt, we want to see you near the top of the list of creditors – the creditor who the debtor cannot ignore. Our goal is to see you are paid as promptly as possible.

  1. You call us. We listen. We work out the best course of action for your outstanding debt.
  2. We ask you to provide all the relevant documentation on our checklist (below).
  3. Our team will then pursue your debtor regularly and relentlessly. CollectIT’s role is to negotiate and get paid what you are owed without compromising your reputation and business relationships in the process.
  4. When the debtor offers to begin paying the debt or to pay the debt in full, we advise you of the situation at that point. If CollectIT has had no response from the debtor after nine contacts (approximately 20 days) we advise you, the creditor, of the situation and continue trying to make contact with the debtor.
  5. If we believe court action or other further action is required we give you an outline of costs so that you can make an informed decision at each stage of the process.
  6. You can count on CollectIT to handle your debt recovery ethically and with tact and discretion.

Contact the team at CollectIT via email or phone 0800 WE COLLECT 
and ask about our Debt Collection service.

Debt Collection

Ledger Management


Terms of Trade + Credit
