On 1 March 2017 the District Court Act 2016 came into force. This Act creates the largest court in Australasia.Instead of 58 individual District Courts there is now one single District Court which according the the New Zealand District Law Society will hear over 200,000 civil, criminal and family cases every year. The District Court Act 2016 came into being as a result of a bill introduced to parliament called the Judicature Modernisation Bill. It has been hailed as the first major overhaul of the legislation governing New Zealand courts since 1908! The locations of the individual courts have remained, and court papers are still to be filed by location. The District Court is now also able to hear civil disputes of a higher monetary value. Prior to the new Act, the District Courts could hear matters of up to $200,000 in value. This has now risen to a new monetary threshold of $350,000. Prior to March 2017, any civil disputes more than $200,000 could only be filed with the High Court, carrying higher costs for the plaintiff. CollectIT is able to assist with any matters of outstanding money up to this new level of $350,000. If you have money outstanding anywhere in New Zealand, don't hesitate to call our office today on 07 834 9111.