Every day we speak with individuals and business owners who are reluctant to ask their debtors to pay their invoices - even when they're extremely overdue.Some people find the experience very uncomfortable and are embarrassed to ask for money, while others tell us they do not want to antagonise their clients for fear they will take their business elsewhere. Credit management is about getting paid on time (which means earlier for many of you) and is a necessary part of business. Once a business has positive cash flow, it has options - either to grow the business, or perhaps enable you to take a hard earned and well deserved holiday. Get in touch with CollectIT if you are embarrassed or uncomfortable with asking your clients to pay, because pursuing money is what we do every day. We can follow up your overdue debtors regularly with our ledger management service which will increase your cash flow and train your slow payers to pay on time so that debt collection will not be required. Alternatively we can debt collect with a firmer approach if this is what is required, taking matters through the courts if necessary. Phone 07 834 9111 today. We'd be happy to help you improve your cash flow.